What is HELP FIDO?

Humane Education Leads to Progress
For Informed Dog Owners

Vision Statement: We envision a society free from discrimination, where responsibility, education, love and compassion allow humans to fully respect and understand man's best friend.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Top 10 Ways You Know You Are in A Bully Breed Owner's House

10. Peanut butter....lots of peanut butter.
9. Auburn paraphernalia (certainly NOT Alabama).
8. Patricia McConnell's Other End of the Leash on the nightstand...with pages earmarked, passages highlighted and notes in the margins
7. Dartboard with PETA's logo on it.
6. Dartboard with Michael Vick's photo on it.
5. Reading material in the bathroom consist of Bully Breeds and BARK magazine.
4. Lots and lots and lots of toys....for dogs.
3. A costume for when ACO comes knocking.
2. Stash of illegal drugs because only thugs have pit bulls. (link bad rap)

And the number 1 way you know you are in a bully breed owner's house:

1. Evildoers membership card hanging over fireplace.

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